As a tax accountant for 35 years I needed to find a business online that would give me the skills to move into a different field. The only experience I had with computers was loading up a tax program from year to year. Trying to learn something new on the computer was not an option because of the constant deadlines pulling me away from learning anything else.
After searching on the internet for an online business, I finally looked into Internet Income University. I was so tired of all the scams and get rich quick programs; I finally realized that I need an educational program that would teach me computer skills and that would be there for me when I had questions.
Internet marketing will work if you join up with people who have already been down the rough road. They now know exactly what doesn’t work so you can move on quickly with what does work. Whether your looking for just some sideline money or you want to completely move out of your current job this is the right company for you.
This affiliate marketing group offers training packages for any level you want to be at. Obviously, the faster you want to make money the more time you will need to get through the education courses. Some people who still have other jobs and responsibilities will have to move at a slower pace which is just fine.
Weekly assignments will help you master computer skills so you can capture interested prospects. This is the name of the game learning how to generate leads to make commissions.
Weekly webinars and video training is a must so you can learn video and writing skills needed to draw prospects to your web site. The videos and articles can be constantly reviewed to make sure you never lose critical learning skills over a period of time. The companies web site always displays all the information and training videos in their back door so you can go over them at your convenience.
Internet Income University also recommends you to join for free other internet marketers to listen to their videos and webinars. You always learn something new from all these people who have jumped over impossible odds to become successful.

By Smiley